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International Women's Day

Thank you Mom(s)

As the world celebrates International Women's Day, we want to pay tribute to the extraordinary women who shaped our lives in profound ways- our Mothers.


Joyce's Story

Growing up in an Irish household, meat and potatoes typically should be your staple diet, BUT my parents were adventurists. After marrying in Ireland, they embarked on a journey of a lifetime and moved to Hong Kong for 3 years. It was there that their sense of adventure in food and flavour grew.

My gorgeous Mom in Hong Kong

After Hong Kong, they immigrated to the Vancouver area in the 80’s, and my Dad became a Vancouver police officer. Since he spoke Cantonese, he made a lot of quick friends with business owners while serving in the line of duty. I have so many memories of hopping onto the Skytrain to the city to visit mom-and-pop restaurants that had invited my Dad and his family to come in for meals.

My Mom taught us at a young age to be adventurous with food, and try new things. I am so grateful for those trips to the city and know sampling foods from different cultures shaped the way I eat today.

My mom, a force to be reckoned with, taught me the importance of homemade meals and the power of family dinners. She took in everything she learned from travelling and brought it all back to our kitchen at home. My mother led by example, always cooking and experimenting with new flavours long before Pinterest made it easy. How she managed it all without the internet remains a mystery.

Growing up, we gathered around the table every single night for dinner. Like any kid, I was oblivious to the effort it took her to wrangle us all there for a homemade meal. Now, as a parent myself, in the thick of it with sports and activities, sitting down at the table for nightly meals is so important to our foundation as a family. Food bonds us and brings us together as a family each night, and I am keeping that tradition my mom taught me alive.

My mom sends me excited pictures every time she sees Gladstone on a shelf around town

Parm's Story

Parm grew up watching his Mother run the bustling Fish and Chip shop in Telford England, and witnessed firsthand her incredible work ethic. Being part of the family business early on showed him what it takes to run a successful business. 

Working at the Gladstone Fish Bar in Telford England

But Parm’s mother’s influence extends far beyond the realm of hard work at the Shop. In terms of cooking, she reigns supreme as the undisputed queen of the kitchen. The whole extended family knows that her food is THE BEST.

Her secret? It's simple: patience and heat. She always says if you want the food to taste the best, you have to let the flavours develop slowly over time. If you are in a rush, it just won't taste as good. And when it comes to heat, it's all about loading up on those hot peppers (Mirch 🌶️), especially in meat dishes.

For me, Parm’s mom’s cooking greatly changed and expanded my palate. Despite initially having a decent heat tolerance for a "White Irish Gal," my palate has transformed after eating her meals over the last 15 years, which comes in handy when testing and sampling all our hot sauces.


From opposite corners of the globe, with vastly different culinary backgrounds, both our mothers share surprising similarities that transcend borders and cultures. What unites these two powerhouse women—is the remarkable courage they displayed in uprooting their lives to follow their husbands to foreign lands. Picture this: leaving behind family and homeland to start anew in Hong Kong and England, all before the INTERNET. The guts and the courage amaze me, and I am sure it has shaped the people Parm and I are today, both in life and in business.

So thank you to our Mom’s, for showing us how to take risks in life. You have made our lives significantly SPICIER because of it. 

Happy International Women's Day today and every day.

Love Joyce


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